Note of No(t)

Throughout our lifetime, opportunities get thrown at us, and a lot of them aren't even noticed. To better understand all forms of opportunity, apply this easy method.

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20 Question Mindstorming

Looking for inventive ways to structure and complete your goals? The 20-Question Mindstorming Method, invented by Brian Tracy, will surely help you along the way. This method helps you transform your goal into a fixed amount with a linked question.

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6 | 3 | 5 Brainwriting

Ideas are what make business go around. When you're looking for new insights within your enterprise, the 6 | 3 | 5 Brainwriting method invented by Bernd Rohrbach helps you to create up to 108 ideas or solutions within 30 minutes. Let's find out how it works!

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Loci Technique

Ever had the problem of looking for that one specific  book you want to study but can't quite figure out where you've put it? 

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GOSPA formula

Looking for a formula to create a definite plan for achieving wealth? Bryan Tracy has the answer for you. His 5-step formula is the ideal blueprint for when you are starting out on your adventure of greatness. Let's see how the GOSPA formula works!

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