Denis Waitley: Integrity - Leadership - Excellence

He is seen as one of the most respected American authors, lecturer and consultants. Doctor Denis Waitley serves as a pillar of the self-development sector and, through his career, has crafted a lasting legacy. Over 20 million copies of books and 10 million audio programs sold, both translated into 14 languages. We're going to take a closer look at how Denis Waitley got to become who he is today.

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How it started

Born in San Diego, California, as the oldest of three, Waitley had to take responsibility early on in his life. At the age of 9, his father left the family and Denis became the man of the house. Because his mom was a factory worker and had to feed three mouths, it sure wasn't always sunshine for his family.


As told by Denis himself, he brought sandwiches to school filled only with some lettuce, mayonnaise, pepper, and salt. He asked his mom, 'What is this?', to which she replied, 'It's a chicken sandwich, only without the chicken'. 


His views on wealth weren't also that broad, as his father said that you're either born with it or you have to be crooked when Denis asked about being rich. Later, he dedicated his life to proving that vision wasn't correct. When his father left, he said he wanted to be different, he wanted to make a difference. 


Suffering from low self-esteem and self-confidence, he found his first role model in his grandmother. She taught him the principle of planting seeds of greatness, that you should water and maintain them in order to become great. The many lessons Denis his grandmother taught served as a foundation for the great personality he has become today. 

How it evolved

After finishing high school, Denis attended the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis to become a naval aviator after graduation and receive a Bachelor of Science. After leaving the Navy, Denis' jobs varied from representative to fundraiser.


In 1976, Waitley recorded the basis for what became his best-selling audio program, 'The Psychology of Winning'. Two years later, he released the audio program, which sold more than 2 million copies and generated around $100 million in revenue. 

After the great success of his first audio program, Denis became chairman of psychology for the U.S. Olympic Committee's Sports Medicine Council. Continuing to enhance performance of various groups of people from 1980 to 2000. He educated sportspeople, returning prisoners of war, the navy, heads of state, and students of all ages.


During this 20-year period, Denis released more than 15 books, including 'Seeds of Greatness' and 'The Winner's Edge'. He was also a founding member of the National Council for Self-Esteem and president of the International Society for Advanced Education. 

The Waitley Institute 

In 1996, Denis Waitley founded The Waitley Institute in La Jolla, California. This is a global consulting firm specializing in high performance. The Waitley Institute utilizes science, university-based studies, and case studies related to neuroscience. 


Together with his daughter, he helped companies all over the world, including: 3M, American Express, Bayer, Toyota and many more to achieve greatness. Services they offer include: seminars, workshops, lectures, books and mind tools. 


The three words that are integrated into the logo of the Waitley Institute are: Integrity - Leadership - Excellence. 
These three words can surely be attributed to Dennis Waitley himself and his more than successful career.

Closing Remarks

The humble background of Denis Waitley is an inspiration to anyone who wants to get more out of their lives. His broad career has shaped the lives of many population groups and helped them achieve greatness. The seeds that he planted through the wise words of his grandmother sure came to yield a great harvest. 


Here's a list of the most famous books of Dr. Dennis Waitley:

The Psychology Of Winning (1979)

Seeds of Greatness (1983)

Being the Best (1987) 

The New Dynamics of Winning (1993)

Psychology of Success (2003)

Safari to the Soul (2004)


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